Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Pico Paper 101

Step by Step, What Your Pico Paper Should Be

  1. State Pico's Thesis, based on your interpretation, based on what you read.
  2. Your thesis is that the work of art you found, supports Pico's thesis.
  3. Support your thesis, through formal analysis.
How should the Thesis be Stated?
Pico in the Oration on the Dignity of Man, argues that man is great because _____, and this piece of art supports this thesis.

How Does the Teacher Perceive the Thesis?
Pico in the Oration on the Dignity of Man, argues that man is great because, they have the ability to choose whether or not to be divine.

Describe the Work of Art You Have to Find And Analyze?
Italian Early Renaissance
One that has not been discussed in class
From what dates: 1425-1485

How to Illustrate What is Divine and What is Not Divine Through Formal Analysis?
Geometric bodies are divine, while those that lack geometry, lack divinity.

How Long Should it Be?
About a page

What Should the Focus of the Paper Be?
Supporting your claim through formal analysis, not through iconographic/symbolic analysis.

What is the Paper Graded On?
The paper is graded based on the presence of a thesis, keeping a concise length, and a strong focus on arguing a thesis based on formal analysis.

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